Connection and De-connection in African Studies – State of the Art
Conferences are always a good place to build new connections. All too often, unfortunately, those linkages fade as quickly as they came to be. In this round table discussion, we want to take a look at the role of academic African studies networks – in Europe, Africa, and beyond. Which networks do exist? What are their strengths, what their weaknesses and limitations? How severe is the impact of North-South hierarchies? How can collaboration across continents be enhanced? What obstacles do especially African colleagues encounter? We try to answer these questions with our guests Akiiki Babyeszia (CHE Consult GmbH – Centre for Higher Education, Berlin), Christine Scherer (Coordinator of the Bayreuth Graduate School of African Studies – BIGSAS) and Elísio Macamo (Professor for African studies at the University of Basel). The round table is open to everybody interested. We warmly invite participants to engage in the discussion and share their own experiences and thoughts.
Time: Wednesday, 27 June 2018, 3.30 – 5.30 pm
Venue: Campus Augustusplatz, Hörsaalgebäude, HS 8